Kratom Information and Resources

Mitragyna speciosa

Mitragyna speciosa

Kratom- Mitragyna speciosa

Kratom powder comes from the leaves of the tree Mitragyna speciosa. Kratom is a tropical tree growing 3-4 meters high, native to Thailand. It has enjoyed ethnobotanical use throughout the area for centuries, and was used to treat “opium sickness” as early as the 19th century. It is quickly making its way into the pharmacopoeia of the western world. Kratom has a wide spectrum of uses and benefits because of its varying effects, which are dose and strain dependent. Kratom is typically taken in the form of a powder in capsules, as a tea or tossed back with water. Kratom is also available as a liquid extract.

The leaves are sold as different “strains” described as different colors. They all come from the same plant but are collected at various points of maturity, and prepared slightly differently. This is similar to the idea of green, white and black tea all coming from the same type of leaf. Kratom is described as green, red, white, yellow/gold and even black. It is also described by the region it comes from so you will see things like Red Maeng Da and Green Bali. There are also names like white elephant and green dragon. All kratom comes from the leaves of Mitragyna speciosa tree.

The psychoactive effects of kratom come from the alkaloid mitragynine. It is one of the only other naturally ocurring opiods besides the poppy. Mitragynine stimulates the opiate receptors without binding to them like other opiods. This is where kratom gets it relaxing, euphoric, and pain relieving effects. Kratom has been used throughout Asia for energy, motivation, stamina and as a panacea for many ailments. The entire plant contains numerous indole alkaloids. Mitragynine makes up the majority of this especially in the leaves (up to 66%)

Depending on the color, its effects can include:

Red: sedating, relaxing, pain relieving, sense of well being. Red is the least stimulating and most pain-relieving.

Green: described as being between green and white. It is uphoric, relaxing, energizing and motivating. Increased talkativeness and sense of well-being.

White: the most stimulating, lots of energy and euphoria.

Yellow and gold, can refer to strains and extracts with lemon juice.

Full-Spectrum Extracts and train wreck are a combination of all three. These have a balanced effect, but are strong in alkaloid content.

super green kratom.jpg

I like to drink kratom before doing meditation and yoga.  It takes about 30 minutes to kick in.  The euphoric and relaxing effects make for a very nice meditative experience, and for me it helps my yoga practice.

A starting dose is typically 1 teaspoon.  This can be brewed in tea or a cup of hot water.  You want to sip it slowly when you first take it because your tolerance will be low and it can make you sick if you drink it too fast. 

Kratom can be enjoyed by anyone, but it is particularly beneficial to individuals in the recovery process. Many recovering addicts have used kratom as a form of daily maintenance to come off of hard drugs and pharmaceutical medications. It helps to counteract cravings and neutralize withdraw symptoms. Like all substances that effect our opiate receptors there is some habit-forming potenital. However, kratom withdraw symptoms are much more mild than other opiates. Unless you are using kratom as recovery maintenance, it is recommend you avoid using it for more than three days in a row.

Kratom is not detectable on a standard 5-panel drug screen, however it can show up in blood and urine analysis.

Be sure to talk to a medical professional before making any changes to your medication or treatment. As with all herbal medicines, it is important to do your own research.

It is important that you do your research when it comes to kratom, and make sure you are buying it from a reputable supplier. There are synthetics, pesticides and other chemicals that can be found in some powders. Here is some further information on Kratom and Kratom suppliers. has lots of information on kratom, and has a list of the 10 ten ranked online sellers. CLICK HERE

If you are in the EU, I recommed for fast delivery and high quality product.

This information is for educational purposes only. We do not make any medical claims for this product. Not for human consumption.

IMPORTANT!! This product does not ship to AL, WI, IN, VT, RI or AK.



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