The Healing Properties of Baneful Herbs
Datura aka Thornapple
Baneful herbs, herbs that are toxic or potentially deadly have been and continue to be some of mankind’s most important medicines, while their applications have evolved, drugs like atropine, scopolamine and digoxin have botanical origins. It is because of these plant’s chemical potency that they are so important. These herbs also have very powerful spirits and their energies are palpable. They are powerful allies to spiritual practitioners and magicians alike. As plant spirit medicine they have much to teach us. The descriptions of the energetic and spiritual qualities of these herbs here barely scratch the surface. As more an more people begin to discover the power of these herbs we will uncover more knowledge about them.
Accessing the plant’s spirit medicine can be done through the use of vibrational remedies, charms and amulets. Through this energetic connection the herbs effect us on a mental, emotional or spiritual level. The following is a list of well known baneful herbs and some of their vibrational qualities. I have included some information on the herb’s homeopathic uses, and their as flower essences. These are both safe ways of obtaining the benefits from these toxic plants as they are vibrational remedies and contain only trace amounts of plant material.
The idea that poisonous plants can heal us is a strange one. However, it is more about the specific chemicals and their dosages. In small dosages the effects are much different, and are medically useful. The same is true when we are talking about homeopathic dosages and vibrational remedies. The plants act differently in these minute dosages and their energetic effects are amplified.
Foxglove-Digitalis-The Protector
Homeopathic/Vibrational Remedies
effects the heart and emotional body, filling it with loving vibrations
helps with self-love, and overcoming feelings of loneliness and abandonment
heart conditions, angina, apprehension and anxiety about the future, fear of death, letting go of remorse or guilt
Calms an overworked mind and internal anxieties
Used in homeopathic doses to treat a slow heartbeat
Strengthening the heart, treating heart failure and irregularities
Flower Essence
calms emotions related to relationship trauma
feelings of vulnerability
protective of the heart and feelings
Monkshood-Aconitum-The Hermit
Homeopathic/Vibrational Remedies
introspection, inner reality, realignment with Self
stabilizes emotional body after trauma
supportive for fear, shock, anxiety, chronic difficulties, past/childhood traumas
breaking past indoctrination and dogma
Flower Essence
spiritual leadership qualities, spiritual integrity,
psychic ability, sense of identity/authentic self
Datura-Stramonium-The Trickster/Shaman
Homeopathic/Vibrational Remedies
dealing with the process of death and the fear of dying, helps with grief and mourning
brings clarity and insight to dreams
strength in confronting fears and anxiety
calms restlessness, helps dispel nightmares, delusions, night terrors
Flower Essence
purging unwanted energies and harmful influences, removing attachments
brings a change of perspective, helping through periods of transformation
Hemlock-Conium-The Blade
Homeopathic/Vibrational Remedies
release from what is holding you back or keeping you captive
reclaiming personal power through voice
helps with exhaustion and loss of interest
extreme sexual excitement and suppressed sexuality
Flower Essence
releases emotional paralysis caused by fear
helps ease transitions
detoxifies the emotional body
Deadly Nightshade-Belladonna-The Fury
Homeopathic/Vibrational Remedies
death, fate, spirituality, sexuality
cutting the cord and releasing harmful attachments to people and the past
helps calm anger and agitation
helps those who are hypersensitive to stimuli
Flower Essence
brings clarity so we can see through illusions and cut ties
taking back personal power
References and additional info can be found here:
Foxglove Homeopathy
Medical Info Aconite
Aconite Benefits, Uses, Cures
Conium homeopathy
Belladonna Homeopathy
Black Nightshadae Spirit Medicine
What are the Homeopathic benefits of Dulcamara?
Belladonna A Remedy with a Dark Past