Valkyrie's Rise Anointing Oil


This formula calls upon the fierce and flying forces of nature, the Valkyries “choosers of the slain” through the combined forces of Atropa belladonna and Amanita muscaria. Two potent allies that are all too familiar with death and the battlefield, wielding berserker’s strength and a hunter’s nocturnal stealth this formula is for victory, self-resurrection and the destruction of enemies seen and unseen.

An infusion of deadly nightshade, fly agaric, rowan and juniper berry, yarrow, bloodroot, foxglove, columbine and dirt from the crossroads and the grave.

An oil of nocturnal flight and oneiric visitation, a lifting formula to ease the transition of the spirit from the depths of Hel to the heights of the World Tree. Use this as an anointing oil for both the body and tools for spirit flight. Apply in ceremony to assist with the death and rebirth process.

Rowan berry: protection, magic, and upperworld

Juniper berry: purification, protection and the underworld

Yarrow: courage, healing battle wounds, warrior spirit support

Bloodroot: Spirits of Mars, protection and bloodshed

Foxglove: heart healing, wounded warriors, courage and strength (The foxglove leaf included is from a very special plant of mine that helped me through a lot)

Columbine: associated with birds specifically eagle’s and their talons, Added for lifting and flight.

Deadly Nightshade: known in Germanic languages as Valkyrie berry or wolf’s cherry. Associated with the dead, and the realm of Hel. It has been used to enhance hunter’s acuity and turn the tides of battle. As one of the witching herb’s it’s potency is rivaled by none. As a plant spirit ally it teaches us to step into the darkness to retrieve knowledge and power to help ourselves and to help others. (I’m working on a longer article on this topic)

Fly Agaric: legend associates this mushroom with berserker strength and battle frenzy. It is an ally of shapeshifters and as a plant spirit ally teaches us how to heal our timelines, past, present and future.

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