Shop Wolfsbane Root Wolfsbane Root $10.00 2 oz jar Aconitum carmichaeli Shapeshifting, Hekate, spirit flight, illumination, protection and underworld travel Quantity: Add To Cart Wolfsbane Root $10.00 2 oz jar Aconitum carmichaeli Shapeshifting, Hekate, spirit flight, illumination, protection and underworld travel Quantity: Add To Cart You Might Also Like Jezebel Root Herb $10.00 Mandrake Herb $10.00 Sold Out Henbane Seeds $13.00 Malevolence Herb Jar $10.00 Henbane Seed Packet $3.00
Shop Wolfsbane Root Wolfsbane Root $10.00 2 oz jar Aconitum carmichaeli Shapeshifting, Hekate, spirit flight, illumination, protection and underworld travel Quantity: Add To Cart Wolfsbane Root $10.00 2 oz jar Aconitum carmichaeli Shapeshifting, Hekate, spirit flight, illumination, protection and underworld travel Quantity: Add To Cart You Might Also Like Jezebel Root Herb $10.00 Mandrake Herb $10.00 Sold Out Henbane Seeds $13.00 Malevolence Herb Jar $10.00 Henbane Seed Packet $3.00